Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bridgers first day of kindergarten!!

Well, Bridger started kindergarten a while back. I was really surprised how upset i was. he has been going to early interventions preschool, since he was 2, and they do all the same class style learning that kindergarten would do!! But the fact that he was starting real elementary school was really hard for me to deal with! My first little guy is getting away from me, and I can only worry about how fast the time is going to fly!
Bridger intelligence is amazing. He is a math wizard! He has always been into numbers and organization. When he was only 1-2 he would take a deck of cards and sort them into their numbers. but we really saw how good he was with numbers the other night when we were watching the Jazz game. Well Bridger will usually take the scores and tell us how much we are up or down by! But this particular night, he fell asleep during the game. When we went upstairs to put him in bed, he opened his eyes and asked us if we had one and what the score was. We told him that it we had won and the score was 98-94 and put him in bed. Right after we walked out of his room, he came out (we figured it was to go potty) and told us "hey, I know what 98+94 is" and thinking he was just being crazy we said "ok buddy what is it"? and he told us "98+94 would be 192" WOW CRAZY. So we asked him how he came up with that and he told us that if you take 2 away from 94 and put it on 98 then you have 100 and then you put the 92 with the 100 and you have 192. And ever since we have asked him questions with huge Numbers and he will almost always give us the correct number. He also can do math with three different Numbers like 12+9+13 and even like 12+10-7 and almost always gets it right!!
P.S. Bridger LOVES basketball and is certain that he is going to play for the Jazz. He is pretty good to. But as you can tell I am prejudice and VERY VERY proud. :o)

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